圖 / 靈鷲山般若書坊文 / 靈鷲山般若書坊
山之章:華嚴聖山入法界 事法界中說俗諦。「在於針對世俗諦中種種的觀念加以智慧的詮釋」。
海之章:毗盧性海歸體性 理事無礙心即佛。「心、性」,心屬於事,體性屬於理,心歸體性,性由心顯,心性互融,因此「理事無礙心即佛」,心佛無礙而互融,由此彰顯修心法門之奧祕。
天之章:虛空法身無言說 理法界中體性空。「直指心性」、「直指法界」。也就是對於無言的虛空法身起言說。
人之章:普賢行願窮三際 事事無礙菩薩行。普賢十願,乃事事無礙法界力用之具體展現,其中總廓一切菩薩行。
In this book the concept of “mountain, sea, sky, man” is used to express the “four realms of reality” of the Huayan school of Buddhism. Mountain corresponds to the realm of individual phenomena; sea corresponds to the realm of nonobstruction
between principle and phenomena; sky corresponds to the realm of the one principle (śūnyatā) ; and man corresponds to the realm of nonobstruction between phenomena, The same correspondence is expressed in the following verse:
From the sacred mountain of Huayan, entering the realm of reality; conventional truth is spoken in the realm of individual phenomena.
Returning to the essence through the sea of Vairocana; Buddha is the realm of nonobstruction between principle and phenomena.
The universal Dharmakaya is ineffable; in the realm of the one principle the essential nature is emptiness itself.
The vows of Samantabhadra span the three times; the realm of nonobstruction between phenomena—this is the Bodhisattva practice.
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