

  • 心不跟隨現下煩惱,不隨就不會生滅。
  • 學佛,就是學著拭去塵埃。
  • 不要看小小的慈悲,它是無盡的善心、無盡的智慧、無盡的接引。
  • 禪修,讓思緒單純,讓靈性清楚顯現。
  • 念頭在心頭,不舒服;轉個念頭,心頭就開。
  • 煩惱如同下雨,當雨過天晴,雨復何在?
  • 懂得消化煩惱,便能讓生活自在逍遙,讓生命更寬廣。
  • 負面是惡業,消極是惡業,悲觀是惡業;正面積極樂觀,就是生活禪。
  • 生命是不斷流動地,安靜下來,才能沉澱,才能傾聽。
  • 不執著、不妄想,當下即圓滿。
首頁 影音說法 活動報導 2022世界宗教和諧日 共同祈禱

2022世界宗教和諧日 共同祈禱

主講人:世界宗教博物館 影片提供單位:世界宗教博物館





The Museum of World Religions was established November 9th, 2001. After the events of 9/11, the Museum sought to promote interreligious understanding and tolerance. At the time, representatives from 34 countries came to Taiwan to promote peace in a time of religions turbulence. The Museum of World Religions continues to join hands with representatives from different world religions to promote interfaith dialogue and to pray for a more peaceful world.

For the 2022 Day of World Religions’ Harmony, Founder Dharma Master Hsin Tao joins with representatives from Islam, Taoism, The Lord of Universe Church, Christian Orthodox, Judaism, and Catholicism to pray for world peace and ecological sustainability.

We invite you to join in our efforts using your own methods to pray for world peace and for the creation of a global spiritual ecology.

Spiritual Ecology Initiative: https://www.surveycake.com/s/ygn6w